About us
Who we are?

- LIPTOV REGION – regional tourism organization. The organization brings together public and private entities with the aim of unified promotion of the Liptov region as a unique “green” region for active leisure activities full of experiences.

- LIPTOV REGION is an organization of destination management, realizes joint marketing of Liptov region. Its main task is to make the region more attractive for tourists, to improve its offer and tourism infrastructure, to present local cuisine, habits, leisure, sports, education or relaxation.
Our members – attractions
Oblasť: hovorca organizácie, tlačové konferencie a kontakt s médiami, usporiadanie presstripov, infociest zahraničných návštev, tvorba marketingových stratégií, destinačný marketing, tvorba a zavádzanie marketingových produktov, projekt manažér Tatry magazín a podujatia Za 7 horami. Koordinovanie projektu spravodajských videí Liptov News.
Subject: administration of the website www.visitliptov.sk and mobile application Liptov, technical support of the Liptov Region Card project and reservation system, social network administrator (Youtube), web content creation, cycling events, tourism support, participation in events and exhibitions.
Subject: creation and implementation of marketing products, Liptov Region Card product manager, Liptov reservation system, Liptov, Liptovská hviezda, destination marketing, activities related to the provision of promotional materials, thematic presentation materials, social network management (Facebook), newsletters preparation, corporate agenda .
Area: Liptov Region Card project and Liptov reservation system, creation of documents, creation of content on the web and in mobile application, participation in events and exhibitions.
Subject: participation in fairs and exhibitions, participation in events, billing.
Subject: participation in exhibitions, billing, preparation of events, payroll.
Our activities
- We support the activities of its members in the creation and implementation of the concept of tourism development in its territory,
- we create and implement marketing and promotion of tourism for our members at home and abroad
- we promote the common interests of our members, promote cultural, social and sporting life, and preserve the natural and cultural heritage,
- we work together to organize events for residents and visitors
- we provide our members with advisory-consulting services, process and submit tourism development projects and ensure their implementation,
- we promote sustainable tourism development
- we develop and implement a long-term and short-term concept and strategy for the development of tourism,
- we implement the annual activity plan, the annual report on the activities of the organization and the development of tourism in its territory,
- we initiate and / or provide the creation, marketing, management and presentation of tourism products and tourism services provided in their territory
- we map the products, activities and values of the destination in our territory in cooperation with municipalities, members of the regional organization and representatives of the professional public
- we compile an annual report that we publish on our website
- submit to the Ministry by 15 March each year a document proving the amount of funds received from membership fees for the previous financial year,
- we create, provide production and distribute printed, audiovisual and multimedia promotional materials of the region
- we provide up-to-date information to the media, organize press conferences at home and abroad, organize study-tours for journalists, tour operators, travel agents and other relevant partners
- we present Liptov at foreign exhibitions and fairs,
- with the help of our own travel agency Enjoy Tatras we are expanding our activities abroad and creating opportunities for increasing the number of tourists from other countries,
- we improve awareness of the possibilities of spending holidays
- we work with airlines and airports to expand destinations and expand airline
- we cooperate with business and non-business tourism entities in the region, with local government bodies, with interested ministries and other central state administration bodies, interest associations, vocational schools, state and private museums, galleries, cultural institutions, research and advisory organizations at home and abroad
- we cooperate with the Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic and its official offices abroad, business and economic departments abroad, in the presentation of the region and the establishment of partnership relations.
Billing information
Regional Tourism Organization
Štúrova 1989/41
031 42 Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovensko
IČO: 42219906
DIČ: 2023486069
IČ DPH: SK2023486069
The activity is implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Slovak Republic.