Learning regions
The Liptov Cluster – Tourism Association, the Terchová Tourism Association and the Moravian-Silesian Tourism Cluster (KLACR) are implementing a project entitled “Learning Regions” within the Operational Program of Cross-Border Cooperation Slovak Republic – Czech Republic 2007-2013 together with the marketing campaign “Experiences without borders ’.
The “LEARNING REGIONS” project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund, the state budget and its own co-financing.
The total eligible expenses for the implementation of the Project activities amount to € 387,912.48, of which € 308,909.27 from the European Regional Development Fund. The Beneficiary will provide its own sources of financing for the Project in the amount of EUR 24,489.82. National co-financing from the state budget amounts to no more than EUR 40,759.10.
Information about the Learning Regions project
Project “LEARNING REGIONS” co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Program for Cross-Border Cooperation Slovak Republic – Czech Republic 2007-2013. The main goal of the project is to strengthen the mutual exchange of information and cooperation through the use of best practices by key actors in the cross-border region in the field of tourism. The project will contribute to increasing education and gradually reducing the unemployment rate in the Czech-Slovak border.
Specific objectives of the project
- Overcome mutual barriers of information and contribute to building learning organizations based on the exchange of experiences and real examples from practice.
- Create a permanent platform – a public internet forum for exchanging experiences and sharing information.
- Create a network of tourism development actors on both sides of the border for future cooperation and coordination at the level of tourist destinations
- Targeted awareness-raising between border regions through joint marketing campaigns targeting visitors from across the border.
Learning regions project activities
A series of workshops and training on the topics of tourism management support
- Destination management and marketing
- Reservation systems and their application
- Discount products – their creation, use, promotion
- Web presentation and other forms of e-advertising
- Creation of product packages
Creating a portal
Public forum to ensure information and open a professional discussion on current issues of Tourism.
Creation of professional analyzes to increase the quality of cross-border tourism
- Trends in tourism in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic in comparison with the EU
- Analysis of satisfaction and needs of Slovak customers
- Analysis of satisfaction and needs of Czech customers
The marketing campaign “Experiences without borders”
Billboard campaign, radio spots, advertising in print media, web marketing