About the brand of local products

Home Brand of local products About the brand of local products

Many regions boast their own traditional products labelled under the region’s brand. Liptov is a home to a wide range of well-known products, too. However, it was not until 2021 that individual products, food and crops originating from the Liptov region could apply for the “Produkt Liptova” quality brand of local products.   

One of the main reasons why the brand was created was the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, due to which there were surpluses of dairy products in spring 2020, causing low sales and closure of businesses. The situation motivated 4 regional entities to come together and look for ways to help local producers get back on their feet.  

The four entities, including REGION LIPTOV regional tourism organization, Klaster LIPTOV tourism association, Dolný Liptov Local Action Group and Horný Liptov Local Action Group, joined their efforts together at the beginning of 2021 and created a brand of local products – the quality brand called Produkt Liptova.

On 25th  November 2021, after more than a half year of a project preparation, the brand was brought to life and the first call for submitting applications for the granting of rights to use the “Product Liptova” brand of local products was announced.  Local producers can submit their applications until 10th January 2022. Currently, the Produkt Liptova brand has 11 award-winning producers in various categories: milk and dairy products, honey, teas, Liptov offal, honeydew, soaps or costumes or woven carpets. List of products here.

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Goals of the brand of local products:

In 2021, REGION LIPTOV regional tourism organization co-financed the brand of local products project with a subsidy from the Ministry of Transport of the SR and of the Žilina tourist region. Thank you!

Partners of project

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