FESTIVAL ZA 7 HORAMI – 3rd year from 28 to 29 August 2020 in Liptovsky Jan and Janska valley
Staying in nature strengthens health and fairy tales are entertained and taught for generations.
The largest fairytale space festival in Slovakia focused on families with children. Through fairy tales, she presents the dynamic and modern mountain region of Liptov in a playfully unobtrusive way, entertaining and educating both young and old at the beginning of the summer holidays.
The festival addresses all ages because it combines the fairy-tale spirit in the fairy-tale Jánska Valley with local attractions, natural beauties and facilities that are perfect for this concept.
The aim of the festival is not to entertain people in one place, but to enable them to choose the most suitable program and place for themselves and motivate them to move with children, to walk along the Jánska valley.
A 7 HORAMI is a unique event whose pillar is the Puppet Theater Festival spiced up with a number of accompanying events and activities.
PROGRAM – Friday – Saturday, 28.-29. August
- 10 shows every day, 5 puppet theaters in 5 different places
- program extending 5 km long Jánska valley
- fairy-tale characters, clowns, artists, playful education
- punches, whipping, music on the move, paramedics
- sports activities, trainings with pros, autographs of famous personalities
Rich accompanying program throughout the festival: creative workshops, inflatables, cooking shows, competitions, etc.
On Saturday, besides the daily program there will also be a rich stage and moderated program – Fun Band, Dream Hugo, folklore, music, fairy tales and competitions…
- new fairy tales
- more colorful theaters
- saunamaster school
- lobsters and comedians
- air balloon
- dancing with a dog
- new animations
- fairy-tale workshops
Presný program tretieho ročníka festivalu doplnime na jar 2020