Skiservis Niňaj offers the possibility to rent a mountain bike, roller skates or scooter. You will find the rental shop in the Tatra Line Resort Demänová next to the OMV petrol station.
Na výber testovacie modely výrobcov značky Focus, KTM, Haibike a Rocky Mountain v rôznych veľkostiach – celoodpružené aj hardtaily, s pohonmi značiek Bosch, Yamaha, Shimano a Powerplay – Dyname.
Choose from test models from Focus, KTM, Haibike and Rocky Mountain brands in various sizes – full suspension or hardtails, with Bosch, Yamaha, Shimano and Powerplay – Dyname drives.
For greater comfort, we offer the possibility of bringing bicycles directly to you with a minimum order of 4 bicycles. The rental price includes a helmet, lock and service tools bag. There is also a rental of a bicycle cart or a child seat available.
Take a bike tour around Liptov and experience the beauty of our region. If you do not know which beauties to choose, try our guides.
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