The Turistická útulňa Andrejcová tourist shelter is one of the few places where it is permitted to spend the night when crossing the ridge of the Low Tatras. This simple wooden log cabin is located on the eastern ridge of the Low Tatras, about 80 m from a tourist crossroads.
It operates year-round and provides overnight accommodation for 30 people with their own sleeping bags and foam pads. Inside you will find the main room and attic, and there is a small stove for heating. There are two bunkbeds, a table and a bench. Near the shelter there is the powerful ‘Zimná voda’ spring for water, a fireplace, and among the scrub pine there are places suitable for tents.
- along the ridge from the east following the red trail from Kráľová hola, around 3 hours,
- along the ridge from the west following the red trail from the Priehyba sedlo saddle, around 2 to 3 hours,
- from Pohorelá following the blue trail, around 2.5 hours,
- from Liptovská Teplička following the blue trail, around 3.5 hours.
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