If you wish to spend your vacation and free time actively, you can book a multi-purpose tennis court in Pavčina Lehota suitable for playing tennis, netball, badminton and other kinds of ball games. It has artificial turf as a surface – a “fast” surface.
The tennis court is located in Pavčina Lehota No. 11, next to the Apartmány Nízke Tatry accommodation facility, in a quiet environment at the end of the village. It is open to the public and the accommodated guests.
Take a look at historical objects of daily use and handicraft tools from the inhabitants of Liptovský Ján and explore the current natural beauties of the valley of Jánska Dolina, its springs and caves.
Please note that this exhibition is only in the Slovak language. Translate the text on information boards using the text translator from photos. Download the Google translate Android or iOS app, click on Camera button and take a picture of the info board.